Under our banner Hitendra Consultancy, we also have our own organization called, “Yuvahit Pratishthan” especially created for conducting various CSR & Social activities. This is an organization which is committed to create constructive youth; created by the youth, for the youth.


Through Yuvahit, we conduct various CSR activities with the main objective of developing Indian Art, Culture and Education to develop & empower the future of the Nation.
The Pratishthan yearns to inspire the youth of the country to work hard consistently and be successful human beings & responsible citizens of the country in the future. Here are a few of the initiatives we have carried out in the recent past:

We have also initiated a program called “HEART” wherein,
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    Transferring the knowledge
csr1 Corona Protection And Awareness Distribution Of Corona Protection Shields To Auto Walas
Exibition On Sustainable Development Exhibition On Agenda 21 With Bremen Govt
Naming The Bus Stops Fixing Busstop Name Plates At Ocmc Bus Stops
One India Ride Collected Soil And Water From Every State Of India In One India Ride
Police Citizen Coordination Sculpture Inauguration Of Police Citizen Coordination Sculpture
Pune Bremen Maitri Chowk Conceptualisation Of Pune Bremen Island
Self Employment Donation Of Nail Paint Kit To Unemployed Girls
Self Employment Donation Of Shoe Polish Kit To Unemployed
Self Employment Training To Deaf And Dumb Handicraft Training To Deaf And Dumb Students
Social Awareness Creating Social Awareness In Auto Rickshaw
Vyasan Mukta Pahat Island Construction Of Deaddiction Message Islands
Donation Of Goshala At Iscon Junnar
Inauguration Of Pune Review Exhibition 1000 Years History Of Pune
Jara Yaad Karo Qurbani Social Media Drive For Patriotism
Launching Low Cost Housing Scheme For Autowalas
Renewation Of Iskcon Camp Temple 2
Revealing Yuvahit 1st Bilingual Magazin Only For 100% Youth Development
Social Media Campaign Of Chanakya Niti
Strive Self Motivating Exhibition For Youth At Pune University
Trafic Park At Chittaranjan Watika